Press Releases

COP27: Cyclone Nearly Washed Away All My Dreams, says Vanuatu Youth Activist

By Busani Bafana Taren Chilia lost his school; his mother lost her job to Cyclone Pam – both are survivors of increasingly intense climate-change-induced weather patterns. At COP27, the Pacific Community voiced its conviction that a loss and damage fund.

3 Things to Do Before Shopping for a Home

Buying a home can be a bit daunting, even if homebuyers have been through the process before. Tons of money, mountains of paperwork—where to begin? Fortunately, a few simple financial and logistical steps can help make the process smoother. Here.

The Best Ways To Pay Off $5000 In Credit Card Debt

If you’re carrying a large amount of credit card debt, it’s time to get serious about paying it off. While there are a few different ways to get out from under debt quickly, these are the four most effective methods..

About 30% Of Young Americans Have More Than $1K In Credit Card Debt. What Steps Can They Take?

Millions of Americans are saddled with credit card debt, and the younger generations are getting hit hard by it. A recent study found that nearly 30% of Millennials and Gen Z carry at least $1,000 in credit card debt. If.

When Should You Be Willing To Have Good Debt?

At least once in everyone’s life, they’ll wonder, “can someone pay off my debt so I can just be done with it?” Obviously, debt is a burden for many that makes life harder and is a constant reminder of your.

The USDA Just Announced $1 Billion In Debt Relief For Farmers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) just announced $1.3 billion in debt relief that will go to helping over 36,000 farmers across the country thanks to funds set aside in the Inflation Reduction Act.  Why do farmers need debt relief?.

How To Build An Emergency Fund During High Inflation

Most Americans don’t have an emergency fund. In fact, only one in three households has enough money set aside to cover six months of expenses if they lose their job. High inflation doesn’t help matters, either. If you’re looking to.

Should You Save For Retirement Or Pay Off Your Student Loans?

Retirement is a big decision that you should make well before it’s time. But when money’s tight, you might not think there’s enough to go toward retirement and paying off debts. So which is the higher priority, paying off your.

3 Ways to Help Pay for Your Child’s Wedding

Your child is getting married. Congratulations! This is such a joyous time for you and your growing family. As wedding planning kicks into gear, you’re likely thinking about how much you’ll contribute to the big day, a wedding shower, or.

What to do if you have two job offers

If you’ve been job hunting and your hard work has finally paid off—congrats! If you have two job offers, it can be tough to decide which one to accept. Here are a few things to consider that may help you.

Tips for negotiating at work

If you’re fielding a job offer, whether it’s internal or at a new company, you want to be sure to negotiate for the best possible salary and benefits. It can be difficult to know how to approach this conversation, so.

What to Think About When Asking For a Raise

Asking for a raise can be nerve-wracking!  You don’t want to seem greedy or unappreciative, but you also want to be compensated fairly for the work you do. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare.

Looking for a new job? Here’s what to do first

if you’re on the hunt for a new job, there are a few things you should do before you start your search. Here’s what you need to do to get started on the right foot. Update your resume: Your resume.

Planning for an Active Retirement

Having an active retirement means not only building in time for sports and physical activities but also staying mentally and emotionally engaged. If your goal is to have an active retirement, here are some key things to keep in mind:.

The Average 401k Is Down Over $30K This Year. Should You Use Your Retirement Fund For Debt?

With all of the economic turmoil happening, it’s no surprise that many are feeling the pinch in their retirement accounts. A recent study found that the average 401k has lost at least $30,000 in value this year alone. That’s a.

How To Use Your Credit Cards This Holiday Season And Save Money

As the holiday season approaches, many people will be looking for ways to save money. Here are five of our favorite tips on how to use your credit cards this holiday season, plus a few tricks to paying off credit.

Water Tower Research Publishes Initiation of Coverage Report on NOW, Inc. Titled, “Global Supplier to the Energy Industry”

November 14, 2022, ST. PETERSBURG, FL – Water Tower Research ( has published an Initiation of Coverage Report on NOW, Inc. (NYSE: DNOW) titled, “Global Supplier to the Energy Industry”. The report can be accessed here. NOW, Inc. is a.

ABA CLE Course 1 PM EST Nov. 16, 2022 How to Recognize and Avoid Conflicts of Interest Before Referring a Financial Adviser to Clients

Faculty: Investment counsel Julie Jason, JD, LLM, Author of an American Bar Association Publication, “The Discerning Investor: Personal Portfolio Management in Retirement for Lawyers (and Their Clients)” November 16, 2022, at 1 PM EST. Register today. Stamford, CT, November 14,.

Genexa Appeals NAD Recommendation to Discontinue or Modify Pediatrician Preference and Ingredient Claims for OTC Kids’ Pain & Fever Medicine

New York, NY – Nov. 14, 2022 – The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs recommended that Genexa Inc. discontinue certain pediatrician preference claims and ingredient claims for its over the counter (OTC) Kids’ Pain & Fever medicine..

Past President of Beverly Hills Bar Association Howard Fredman Launches Arbitration and Mediation Practice

New practice Fredman ADR to provide in-person, virtual, and hybrid hearings for California state and federal litigation  LOS ANGELES, November 14, 2022 — After decades of experience in all areas of civil litigation, accomplished practitioner Howard S Fredman announces the.